Brain Plasticity

Brain plasticity, or neuro plasticity, is the fastest growing science on the planet. It refers to how the brain responds to its environment, learning and adapting behaviour's necessary to survive – speed, memory, problem solving, attention and flexibility. With the right brain training programs, you can improve your ability to change the brain’s structure and the way it functions, increasing your potential to learn, think and respond better. In addition to improved learning abilities, brain plasticity has been recognized world-wide in playing a fundamental role in recovery from brain injury, defects, reduction of mental aging and the alleviation of chronic pain

What we do

At CEADA, we’re always looking for new and cutting-edge neurodevelopment programs, that are scientifically proven to ‘unlock’ a child’s brain function. By improving it, it does not determine how intelligent they are, but does determine how effectively they can access their innate intelligence. We work with several providers to offer programs that are ideal for children with learning challenges or attention deficit disorders. By participating in the right brain training program, solutions to problems will come more easily and processing multiple sources of information will be less confusing. As they increase their sequential processing, their stress level will decrease, and their confidence will soar.

NACD - National Association for Child Development

The NACD Neurodevelopmental Approach to Human Development The National Association for Child Development, under the direction of founder Robert J. Doman Jr., has, over its thirty years of existence, developed a unique and effective view of and approach to enhancing the development and function of children and adults. Because the fields of education and health care have become more and more compartmentalized in recent years, and treatment approaches are driven more by symptom and label rather than by cause, their methods often fail to serve the uniqueness and totality of the individual.

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NACD Australia belongs to the NACD family and it is a chapter of NACD USA.

NACD programs:

  • Can be accessed in Australia through CEADA.
  • Are designed to address and eliminate specific learning, behavioural, physical and development problems.
  • Are based on individual assessments and specific programs developed based on needs and development outcomes required (identified during the evaluation process)
  • Proven success in helping individuals with autism, brain deficiencies, learning disabilities, gifted individuals and typical individuals who simply want to do better.
  • Family centric programs are designed to be implemented in the home over 12 months.

They are suitable with Children with the following:

  • Adults
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum
  • Brain Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Down Syndrome
  • Dyslexia
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Highly Capable Children
  • Homeschooling
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Preschool
  • The Typical Child: Improving a child’s function

…and more!

NACD Simply Smarter Online

  • A new online program that targets working memory, sequential processing, auditory and visual processing and perception.
  • Accessed through a 12-month license to schools or for home use on a daily basis.
  • Able to track performance and continuously challenges each child at their own ability by adjusting the intensity and difficulty of each task in real time.

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